A true glimpse into the journey of African American Males in America.
This book uncovers the research, the historical factors and provides some insight and solutions. Mr. Grant provides a clear perspective on African American Language "Ebonics" and "Urban American English TM. " "Urban American English TM " is a term coined by Reginald Grant, MSEd related to the changes in Urban English."African American males want the same things as everyone else, a family, a job an education, the opportunity to live the American dream. " J. Everett Pearsall, Executive Director of the National Alliance of African American Athletes.
“I, nor most African American males don't want any handouts or hand me downs, just the opportunity to compete on a level playing field. But, being an African American male in American is a unique experience.” Reginald Grant, MSEd
Black men are our ancestors, fathers, husbands, baby daddies, boyfriends, nephews and sons,—they are all of us—and it is past time to eradicate the stigmas surrounding African American Males. We need to step up to fight the misinformation too often perpetuated in mainstream media. In the book we look at the research, the historical factors and hopefully provide some insight and solutions.
About the Author
Reginald Grant, MSEd is a serial entrepreneur, consultant, speaker and author. He currently serves as Director of Corporate Relations for the Retired NFL Players Congress and is the CEO / co-founder of eSportsInstruction.
He is the author of several books including “Youth Entrepreneurial Impact Program”, “Success Stories: Insights by African American Men”, “Thoughts of an Urban Teacher”, “A Case For Bilingual Education”, “A Teacher’s View, Education in America” and “Reaching and Teaching African-American Males”. He has a Master’s in Education, Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). He was an English teacher for seventeen years. He is a state of California Certificated English Teacher and has served on the three State of California development/review panels for English assessment exams. He is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others and sees education as the force for change. He is an alumni member of the University of Oregon and Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society. He is also a former professional athlete (Jets, NFL & Ottawa, CFL).